Michael O’Connor is being held after turning himself into authorities with connections to the sexual assault case.
According to the Boulder Police Department press release, the 21-year-old former Buff football player, turned himself into the Boulder County Jail yesterday. Sgt. Thomas Trujillo confirmed the news and wrote the press release.
O’Connor is the second student arrested in this ongoing investigation. Michael Sipili, another former football player, was arrested last week with a felony warrant alleging sexual assault.
Catherine Olguin, public information officer for Boulder County District Attorney spoke of O’Connor’s current situation.
“[O’Connor] was arrested with charge with accessory of sexual assault,” Olguin said.
Bronson Hillard, Communications Director of the University of Colorado, said this is a serious situation.
“The charges against him [O’Connor] are very serious,” Hilliard said. “We [the university] take them very seriously.”
Contact CU Independent Staff Reporter Elaine Cromie at Elaine.Cromie@colorado.edu.