Following Trump’s lead in electoral votes, many attendees have expressed their dismay with the possible outcome. By Heidi Harris
Presidential Election 2016
2016Election 2016Election Day -- Nov. 8NewsOn Campus
Presidents Leadership Class holds election viewing party in British Studies room
by Jake Mauffby Jake MauffThe Presidential Leadership Class held a live election viewing party at Norlin Library on election night. By Jake Mauff
CUI's Colorado voter's guide 2016Election 2016NewsPolitics
Trump and Clinton on the issues: A cheat sheet for the candidates’ positions
You’ve heard of the scandals, but what policies would Trump and Clinton pass if elected? We list them for you here. By Emily McPeak and Ellis Arnold
CUI's Colorado voter's guide 2016Election 2016NewsPolitics
Ballot Cheat Sheet: Amendment T and Amendment 71
Amendment T and Amendment 71 would abolish slavery regarding criminals and make it harder to amend the state constitution, respectively. By Eliza Radeka
Monday’s Iowa caucuses ended with victory for Cruz, and Hilary pulled off one of the closest ever victories in Iowa. By Maggie Wagner
CampusCandidatesElection 2016EventsGOP Debate: Oct. 28NewsOn CampusPoliticsState & NationUncategorized
Marco Rubio: Debate ‘report card’
Rubio’s undeniable charm helped him to sway the viewers of the GOP Debate. By Noelle Coultrip
CampusElection 2016EventsGOP Debate: Oct. 28NewsPoliticsProtestState & Nation
Immigration rally puts forth message of acceptance and action
Speakers at the “My Country, My Vote” rally told personal stories of immigration and urged Latinos to vote. By Sarah Farley
CampusElection 2016EventsGOP debate updatesGOP Debate: Oct. 28Live EventNewsPoliticsState & Nation
GOP debate update: Final thoughts
Reactions and analysis of the end of the GOP debate.
CampusElection 2016EventsGOP Debate: Oct. 28Live EventNewsOn CampusPoliticsProtestState & Nation
Live: Hundreds rally at Farrand Field in support of immigration reform
Live updates from the “My Country, My Vote” immigration reform and Latino voter registration rally on Farrand Field at CU. By Sarah Farley
CampusElection 2016GOP Debate: Oct. 28NewsPolitics
O’Malley brings gun control to the GOP debate conversation
by Ryan Ellisby Ryan EllisMartin O’Malley talks gun control at the UMC before the GOP debate. By Ryan Ellis