Instead of assuming that sexual assault is inevitable and dealing with the aftermath, let’s prevent it in the first place.
Our Stance
EditorialsElection 2016OpinionOur StancePolitics
Our Stance: New Era’s not-so-independent voting guide
by Emily McPeakby Emily McPeakBefore heading to the polls, Boulder residents must take note of the liberal bias of New Era Colorado’s 2016 voting guide. By Emily McPeak
OpinionOur StanceSportsThe Coin Toss
Coin Stance/Our Toss: Colin Kaepernick’s silent protest has a loud message
Our Stance and Coin Toss discuss Colin Kaepernick’s ongoing protest, and the place for politics in sports. By Justin Guerriero and Hayla Wong
OpinionOur Stance
Our Stance: Close the pay gap in women’s soccer and the wider workforce
by Emily McPeakby Emily McPeakEmily McPeak explains why it’s important for the U.S. women’s soccer pay gap to be in the spotlight.
Arguments concerning coverage of these crises don’t entirely hold up when considering readership interest and social media impact. By Kaley LaQuea
ColumnsOpinionOur StanceUniversity of Colorado
Our Stance: A Daily Camera letter to editor was racist and tone-deaf
by ellis.arnoldby ellis.arnoldA recent piece from a Boulder resident in the Daily Camera launched dog-whistle racism at CU-Boulder’s minority students. By Ellis Arnold
The lack of diverse Oscar nominees speaks volumes about Hollywood’s race problem. By Emily McPeak
CollegeColumnsOpinionOur Stance
Our Stance: Sexual misconduct survey doesn’t address deeper issues
by Kaley LaQueaby Kaley LaQueaCU is doing more to address the issue of sexual assault, but the administration hasn’t done much to punish assailants. By Kaley LaQuea
OpinionOur StancePolitics
Our Stance: We deserve a new Supreme Court justice quickly
by Emily McPeakby Emily McPeakThe American people deserve the resolution of a Supreme Court justice to fill Antonin Scalia’s seat, and they deserve it quickly. By Emily McPeak
ColumnsOpinionOur StancePolitics
Our Stance: Beyoncé’s Super Bowl statement
by Kaley LaQueaby Kaley LaQueaBeyoncé’s half-time show was one for the books; her politically-charged message about black culture was both strong and entertaining. By Kaley LaQuea