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Vasundhara Tyagi
Vasundhara Tyagi
Vasundhara, pronounced like Cassondra but with a V, is a senior majoring in journalism and political science at CU Boulder. She loves the mountains, dogs, and a good brunch.
Get Out exemplifies a quality movie with a social justice topic, which should be considered in Academy evaluations. By Vasundhara Tyagi
Eminem’s lyrics are misogynistic and antagonistic. It’s time to let him fade out of cultural relevance. By Vasundhara Tyagi
Despite charges of misogyny and exploitation, Hefner’s civil and women’s rights activism best characterize his legacy. By Vasundhara Tyagi
Generation Xers and millennials have had two very different post-graduate experiences. By Vasundhara Tyagi
A positive and uplifting side of Indian heritage is rarely expressed in American culture. Instead, we get stereotypes. By Vasundhara Tyagi