Norlin Library’s newest exhibit “Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and the Origins of Post-Holocaust American Judaism” will open its doors on Thursday.
The exhibit will feature photographs, papers, audio recordings and artifacts collected throughout Rabbi Zalman’s esteemed career. Zalman is the founder of the Alliance for Jewish Renewal. He spent his career teaching and sharing a modern guide to mystical Judaism.
The exhibit will also feature other materials from the Post-Holocaust Jewish Archive.
A symposium, “Embodied Judaism: The Sound of Ecstasy,” will precede the exhibit from 4:15-6:30 p.m. Thursday, presented by the Program in Jewish Studies, Department of Religious Studies and College of Music.
The event will feature Zalman himself, as well as other esteemed speakers and performers who will incorporate music and oral teachings to share the importance of using music to awaken the spiritual.
The cultural event is free for students and faculty. RSVPs are required and can be requested through Meghan Zibby at
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