Dame Julie Andrews, known for her roles as Mary Poppins and Maria in “The Sound of Music,” will speak at the Spring 2013 commencement ceremony, Senior Class Council announced in their monthly newsletter Tuesday.
According to the council, Andrews will give graduating seniors “her insights, advice and congratulatory remarks” at the May 10 ceremony.
“She’s a very respected career woman, which is something that CU hasn’t seen in the past,” said Sosi Papazian, president of the Senior Class Council. “She has profound bits of wisdom and witty anecdotes as well. So what she has to say should be a unique bit of advice.”
Andrews is an advocate for education and the arts. She has done charity work as Ambassador for the United Nations for UNIFEM, the United Nations Development Fund for Women, and founded the disaster relief organization Operation USA with her late husband, Blake Edwards.
She won multiple awards from the Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Grammys, SAG and BAFTA Awards for her acting and singing career. Andrews was also recognized with a Kennedy Center Honor. In 2001, Queen Elizabeth invested Andrews as Dame Commander of the British Empire.
The council will host Commencement – Prep Night on March 14 for students who want to learn more about Andrews and her achievements. Announcements regarding commencement and other Senior events can also be seen on the Senior Class Council’s website and Facebook page.
Contact CU Independent News Budget Editor Avalon Jacka at Avalon.jacka@colorado.edu