With Thanksgiving break upon us, mass amounts of turkey and cranberry sauce will fill tables and stomachs. Avoid gaining massive amounts of weight with these few tricks:
Pace yourself
Slow and steady wins the race. This stays true with Thanksgiving meals. By keeping a constant pace, you fill up steadily so your stomach won’t have to catch up with how quickly you are eating. A constant pace also allows your stomach to stretch slowly and not painfully quick as the food settles.
Don’t Arrive Empty
Arriving empty will leave you hungry and ready to gorge everything in your sight, leaving the likelihood of leftovers low. Eat something about an hour or two before heading to dinner, so you can wait for the feast and have some food in you, allowing you to control the amount you eat.
Don’t Overeat
This one is easier said than done due to all the great food. Overeating seems impossible, because the feast only lasts a day. But the simple answer is: when you’re stuffed, quit eating — even though the mashed potatoes are tantalizing. Additionally, if you don’t overeat you’ll have the energy to leave the house and do something fun.
Use Portion Control
Don’t allow your plate to overflow with food. Keep portions at a decent size so you can finish them all, and you won’t have a food baby nesting in your belly. Portion control also allows you to go back for seconds without thinking about how much you just ate. Plus you’ll be able to get out of your chair to grab more.
Stay Active
After a huge meal, get a active and work off all the food you just consumed. A walk with family or friends will keep your body moving and aid with the digestion process. Even if you don’t have a huge meal, stay active during break and avoid sloth-like attitudes by going out to dance or for walks or hikes around town.
Eat Natural Foods
Avoid unprocessed food. This way, your body can break food down easily, so you won’t feel lethargic. If you can’t avoid unprocessed foods, try to go for the most natural thing on the table. You’ll feel better about everything you’ve eaten.
Avoid Alcohol
By not drinking alcohol at dinner, you’ll avoid the “drunchies” – drunk munchies. You’ll be able to control yourself when you go back for seconds.
Avoid the Now or Never Attitude
Don’t think, “It’s now or never” when it comes to the food on the table. If you take your time, you’ll have leftovers and you won’t lay on the couch dying with oh-so full stomach pains.
Avoid food oblivion with these few tricks, and you’ll be light for attacking Black Friday.
Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Claudia Rebora at Claudia.rebora@colorado.edu.