As a way to help our CU Independent photographers�develop�their skills and expand their creative�approaches�to photography, we have formed an assignment that is both fun and challenging. Each week, one CUI staff photojournalist is�randomly�given five unrelated and completely different topics or concepts. It is then up to the photographer to get five unique photos � one for each of their given topics.
This is meant to be a challenge. The photographers can interpret the theme any way they wish as long as the photo can relate to it. We hope to challenge them to think outside the box. To make others think twice about the topic. To get the photo no one would think of.
This week features photos taken by photojournalist Gary Sheer. His given topics/concepts were movement, face, chaos, long exposure and photo at night.
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Also, see last week’s photos here.
Contact CU Independent Staff Photographer Gary Sheer at