Radio 1190’s biannual pledge drive to cover additional costs kicked off Monday, providing the station with a new way to interact with listeners and an opportunity to spread the word about the station.
Every semester, Radio 1190 holds a pledge drive to raise money for the station’s operational costs. This semester, the drive runs from April 9 to April 20, and the money goes to the upkeep of the station, from FCC fees to standard office costs to equipment repairs.
While Radio 1190’s employees are paid by the university and the station does receive some funding from CUSG, the pledge drive helps the station minimize the amount it asks for from the student government.
Listeners donate in “watts,” increments of $10. In the past, people have donated from one to 50 watts at a time.
“Honestly, we like any kind of donation,” said Joseph Oria, 20, a junior psychology and sociology major. “If the whole school donated $1, that’s $30,000.”
With their donations, listeners receive premiums, such as a Rocket Card, which offers a 10 percent discount at local book and music stores, Radio 1190 t-shirts or concert tickets. Donors can also choose to opt out of receiving premiums and write the donation off as a tax deduction.
Members of the station stressed that Radio 1190 provides an experience unavailable in other media, which is why the pledge drive is so important. The independent radio station gives students a learning experience with broadcast while providing the community with a student-run music source.
“Aside from making money, [the pledge drive] is a great opportunity for the station and fans to share what we provide that’s different from any other radio station or media source in town,” said Mikey Goldenberg, general manager of Radio 1190.
The drive lasts about two weeks, giving the radio station time to spread the word and get more listeners involved.
“Real hardcore listeners are going to donate early, but our job as DJs is to communicate that, ‘Look, you have an entity in 1190 that you can’t get anywhere else,’” said Oria, the news and sports director for Radio 1190.
Members of the station said they enjoy the pledge drive, despite the added workload.
“The pledge drive is a mix of emotions – really stressful and I feel like I’m constantly working, but everyone is at the radio station helping us and trying to help us succeed,” said Program Director Hannah Warner, 22. “It’s inspirational and great to be around.”
The pledge drive also presents opportunities for the staff that they don’t normally receive, from meeting new listeners to giving back to the community.
“We get shyer callers, and it helps us to get to know a rounder audience,” said Warner, a senior women’s studies and English and creative writing major. “It’s nice to see who’s listening.”
“This is an opportunity for us to say thank you to our business supporters, community supporters and listeners,” Goldenberg said.
To support Radio 1190, call 303.735.ROCK (7625) or visit their website to donate.
Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Ainslee Mac Naughton at