Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Yzabelah Roberts at Yzabelah.Roberts@Colorado.EDU.
For Carly Fiorina, who sits behind Donald Trump and Ben Carson in the polls heading into the Oct. 28 Republican presidential debate, the stakes are high in Boulder, CO. Curiosity is on the rise as to just how reliable her word is when it comes promising to denying any and every tax increase. Here’s a dissection of her proposals:
Economic salvation through Bush-era tax cuts
Fiorina wants to give tax relief to family-owned and small businesses to address the dwindling economy. She believes the expiration of the Bush-era tax breaks are adding to the waning economy.
What’s the solution for an employment upsurge?
The key to job creation is to ensure businesses, and small businesses in particular, are free from taxation. She says that the reason business is being sent to different nations is because the American tax rates are too high. She argues tax cuts will aid in business expansion.
What’s her vote?
She promises to vote against any tax increase or new tax. She advocates against the federal marriage tax penalty.
Independent Healthcare
Fiorina believes the decision for health care, from doctors to insurance, ought to lie in the hands of the people. She argues that a broadened accessibility to resources and an increase in competition in insurance, costs will be reduced and made both affordable, with no quality characteristics at loss.
Federal-run Obamacare cut
There will be no need for government-run healthcare with an independent stance regarding each individual. She intends to repeal the federal health care plans passed in the year 2010.