As students start their day Wednesday, amidst a cacophony of political slogans and messages, some are still unaware that the GOP candidates are about to have a showdown right here on campus. Almost none, it seems, know that today is also a Boulder County election day. Right across the hallway from the ballroom where CUSG will host its debate watch party this evening, Boulder County volunteers have just set up their polling station.
“We’ve always had a polling station on CU’s campus, I’m not aware that it is a problem,” said Mircalla Wozniak, Boulder County communications specialist.
With so many politicians from both sides of the aisle converging on Boulder today, though, it’s hard to imagine that there is no conflict of interest. In addition to the republican heavyweights coming in, Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley will later be hosting a talk on gun control in the UMC, which is the same building that Boulder County have their polling station in.
For the moment, though, the polling station remains empty. Students walking past — even those walking right past the polling station — are, for the most part, completely unaware that the election is going on.
“I know the debate is happening, but I had no idea there was an election,” said Kyler Walker, a freshman on his way to class. “Really, I just want to get my homework done.”