More on the presidential search process behind Kennedy’s nomination and the alternative outcomes students are exploring. By Robert Tann
CU President
CampusCommunityCU Presidential SearchNews
Faculty and staff react to Mark Kennedy’s presidential nomination
by Carina Juligby Carina JuligFaculty from CU as well as Kennedy’s past universities provided the CUI with a range of opinions toward his nomination. By Carina Julig
Wherein we devote more time to calling out the Regents’ decision process than they spent interviewing their sole finalist. By Alex Wolf-Root
CampusCU Presidential SearchNewsProtest
Students hold rally in protest of Mark Kennedy’s presidential nomination
Hundreds gathered to protest the selection of Mark Kennedy as the sole CU presidential finalist on Norlin Quad on Monday. By Carina Julig and Tory Lysik
CampusCommunityCU Presidential SearchNews
Kennedy says views on LGBT issues have ‘evolved’; community continues to raise concern
by Carina Juligby Carina JuligWhile Mark Kennedy defends his anti-LGBT record, community members continue to raise concerns about transparency in regard to the Board of Regents decision. By Carina Julig
Mark Kennedy is a terrible choice for university president. The regents should be ashamed that he is their sole finalist. By Alex Wolf-Root
CampusCU Presidential SearchNewsUniversity Administration
CU presidential finalist Mark Kennedy bears anti-civil rights voting record
Kennedy’s announcement has drawn backlash from the CU community and a student protest is planned for Monday. By Carina Julig and Robert Tann
CampusCommunityCU Presidential SearchNewsPoliticsUniversity Administration
CU Board of Regents names Mark Kennedy as presidential finalist
by Robert Tannby Robert TannThe current UND president and former Republican congressman was named as the sole finalist by the Board of Regents. By Robert Tann and Carina Julig
CU president talks about the university’s overall standings
By Annie Melton