“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our lives. By Jacob Newman
An MFA project, “Virtue of Reality” combined interactive theater and design to explore humanity’s bionic future. By Lou Abecassis
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our daily lives. By Jacob Newman
Concert ReviewEntertainmentTheatre
‘Body Like Scripture’ gives a deeply personal homage to trans identity
by Anna Haynesby Anna HaynesArtist Silen Wellington gave audiences an intimate look at trans idenity and dysophoria. By Anna Haynes
“Jake Havoc” is a comic strip written and illustrated by Jacob Newman. Through homage and parody, it attempts to poke fun at the sometimes absurd nature of our daily lives, while celebrating American culture and iconography. By Jacob Newman
Community gathers to remember ‘history silenced,’ dedicates memorial to Los Seis
by Zack Cohenby Zack CohenOver 200 people came together to officially commemorate a new sculpture on campus dedicated to Los Seis, the six Chicanx students killed in 1974. By Zack Cohen
“Jake Havoc” is a comic that pays homage to various American cultural landmarks and comments on the strange nature of our daily lives. By Jacob Newman