The Pope’s recent visit to the Capitol highlights the importance religion plays in a supposedly autonomous political system. By Emily McPeak
Opinion: Safe Campus Act fails to create safer spaces
by Kaley LaQueaby Kaley LaQueaThe Safe Campus Act will make it more difficult for women to report sexual assault and rape. By Kaley LaQuea
ColumnsColumnsFront PageGirl on GirlOpinionPolitics
Girl on Girl: Your body, your choice #ShoutYourAbortion
by Dani Pinkusby Dani Pinkus#ShoutYourAbortion, a trending hashtag about a woman’s right to choose, is causing controversy on twitter. By Dani Pinkus
Politics are becoming increasingly polarized, and the implications for the voter are dangerous. By Emily McPeak
Real Talk with Drew: The Republican Party has lost me
by Jared Connerby Jared ConnerIt’s simple — there is no longer a plane of rational discussion between Republicans and Democrats.…
ColumnsFront PageOpinionPoliticsPoliticsScience
Opinion: An attack on Planned Parenthood is an attack on public health
by Kaley LaQueaby Kaley LaQueaThe recent controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood and why anti-abortion activism is misguided. By Kaley LaQuea
Politics 101: Why “Black Lives Matter” matters — Racial tension and the 2016 election
by Ellis Arnoldby Ellis ArnoldHow the movement is pushing the country to discuss racial issues, and why “all lives matter” misses the mark. By Ellis Arnold
Dominant media narrative of ‘riot’ misses the mark. By Grant Stringer
Senator Elizabeth Warren may not want to be president, but a split ticket with Clinton is a winning bet for all. By Drew Chowbay
ColumnsFront PageOpinionPolitics
Jared to the Left: “Smart guns” in a violent country
by Jared Connerby Jared ConnerSafer gun technology won’t solve our bigger problem. By Jared Conner