CUSG preliminary elections results revealed Friday night that the Pulse party has won the 2012 CU Student Government Spring election.
The tri-executives of the Pulse party will lead CUSG next fall with Brittni Hernandez as president, and both Logan Schultz and Tyler S. Quick as vice presidents. The Pulse party held 57 percent of the votes while the other competing ticket, Entrust, came in at 42 percent followed by independent candidates at 2 percent.
Representatives-at-large ringing in the highest votes by order include Neelah M. Ali, Zeke Johnson, Caitlin Duffy, and Lorenzo Herrera, all representing the Pulse ticket. Representing the Entrust ticket for Representative-at-large are Alexis Scobie, Elise Peterson, Elizabeth Hallet and Sam Bell.
The election will be finalized on Sunday May 6.
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