Students gather under a terrace at the UMC south plaza on Friday. The day kicked off a new series of events intended to bring together the CU community. (Regan Donofrio/CU Independent)
Friday’s first-ever Roast the Corn at the University Memorial Center kicked-off a series of monthly events for University of Colorado Boulder students known as CU on Friday. Originally motivated by the Nebraska football game on Saturday, Sept. 7, the gathering looked to “inspire the rivalry” between the two schools and offered students popcorn, corn on the cob, roasted corn, corn hole, an inflatable corn maze and more.
CU on Friday is part of an umbrella of events called Meet Me in the UMC, which has something planned nearly every week.
“Meet Me in the UMC is just a place for students to come together, and this one specifically is to build tradition within our school,” said Jesse Bixler, chief of staff for CU Student Government (CUSG). “The rivalry between CU and Nebraska is just such a big tradition and not a lot of students know about it.”
While the event on Friday was partially sponsored by CUSG, future monthly events will be a partnership solely between the Center for Student Involvement and the UMC and will offer further events with root beer floats, snacks and games. The events are geared towards all students offering a chance to meet new people and become more involved in the campus community.
CU on Fridays’ next event will bring students together in an educational setting to “laugh and learn” about the female orgasm.on Sept. 12 in Chem 140 at 7:30 p.m. I Love the Female Orgasm is inclusive of people of all genders, gender identities and sexual orientations. More information can be found here.
Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Regan Donofrio at regan.donofrio@colorado.edu.