TEDxBoulder, a series of talks and demonstrations concerning technology, entertainment, and design is coming to Macky Auditorium on Sept. 24.
The event will last from 5:30 to 9 p.m., featuring lectures from 14 local speakers, according to the TEDxBoulder website.
TEDxBoulder is an independent, local version of the global TED conferences that the TED nonprofit organization hosts each year, according to the TED website.
“TEDxBoulder is an innovative event bringing together high level talks, musical performances and innovative demonstrations to the amazing community of Boulder,” according to the TEDxBoulder website.
The event is directed by its creator, Andrew Hyde, who is also the founder of Ignite Boulder and Startup Weekend, and co-organized by George Morris who co-founded Imulus and Entrust.ED.
Amanda Prince, an 18-year-old freshman sociology and political science major said that she went to the TEDxDU event at the University of Denver in March. There, she heard talks from a diverse range of speakers, including a jazz musician and a woman recovering from a coma.
“When I was at the one at DU, there were a couple of [talks] that I was dozing off during, but there were a lot of ones that were really interesting,” Prince said. “They move really quickly, so no one’s up there for too long.”
TEDxBoulder is featuring lectures on topics ranging from asteroids to organ donations. The line-up of 14 local influential speakers includes chef and author Ann Cooper, broadcast journalist Leslie Dodson, and entrepreneur Jake Nickell to name a few.
Josue Loma, an 18-year-old freshman open-option major, said that he likes the idea of having local speakers at the TEDxBoulder event.
“I think its better because it’s local, so the speakers really know your environment and how it affects you,” Loma said. “I think if it was more national, then it wouldn’t really have a feel for your environment, and what you’re going through in this area.”
Ben Kennedy, a 22-year-old web developer, said that the discussion of technology is something he is particularly looking forward to at the TEDxBoulder talks.
“I’m looking forward to anything to do with technology, because that’s sort of my interest,” Kennedy said. “I think I am going more for just a fun time, and new outlooks.”
Tickets can be purchased online at the TEDxBoulder website, and price range from $25 to $32, depending on seating. Ef Rodriguez from TEDxBoulder said there is a $5 discount on tickets purchased by students, just enter the promo code “BoulderRocks2011” at check-out. For more information go to TEDxBoulder’s website at http://tedxboulder.com/ or visit Andrew Hyde’s website at http://andrewhy.de/.
Contact CU Independent Staff Writer Nina Holtz at Nina.holtz@colorado.edu.